We are a established private IB School in Monterrey, Mexico. Looking for dedicated and dynamic International Teachers for elementary and Junior High. The school promotes and fosters caring, open-minded and global leadership, through a constructive inquiry based international curriculm within their school community
Teaching Job Benefits
Salary will vary depending on qualifications and job offered
9,000 -35,000 (Monthly salary in Mexican pesos)
Housing : provided by school
Utilities : to be paid by the occupants
Working Visa : paid by school
Airfare : Upon completion of a school year working with us you will be reimbursed for the cost of your plane ticket (up to 800usd).
Airport Pickup : Provided
Health Insurance Provided :
Training Provided : Yes
A bachelor´s degree in related field of study is required. (Diploma required).
At least 1 year of experience.
Excellent presentation.
Starting Date : August 2020
Apply By : May 202